outsmart summer šŸ’§

Client: smartwater
Role: Art Director
this year, we want to help people keep it smart & unlock more fun all summer longā€¦

tv + olv + social

It's official. Pete Davidson has figured out a way to outsmart his summer gig...with a smartwater-filled telepresence robot.
We built robo-pete, so that real Pete can now be two places at once: on set selling smartwater and living his best life this summer.

out of home

we took the campaign a step further, expanding it to target summer travelers where they need it most: the airport.
you lose 8 oz of water for every 1 hr you fly, so there's no better time to grab some h2o than at your gate.

taxis move fast. our adā€™s on there.ī‚ŠļøŽ

Grace Reinhold
Art Director

Hi, Iā€™m Grace!

An art director currently working at VML in New York City. 
Letā€™s chat!
